Ultimate pullups training

9-11 Pullups

If you did 9-11 pullups in the test
Day 1
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 4
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 3 set 1 5
set 2 5 set 2 8
set 3 3 set 3 5
set 4 3 set 4 5
set 5 Max (Min 5) set 5 Max (Min 8)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 2
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 5
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 4 set 1 6
set 2 6 set 2 9
set 3 4 set 3 6
set 4 4 set 4 6
set 5 Max (Min 6) set 5 Max (Min 8)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 3
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 6
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 5 set 1 6
set 2 7 set 2 9
set 3 5 set 3 6
set 4 5 set 4 6
set 5 Max (Min 6) set 5 Max (Min 10)
Minimum 2 day break Minimum 2 day break

Scientific Evidence on the Benefits of Pull-Ups

Pull-ups, a classic bodyweight exercise, have long been popular in fitness routines. This article explores the scientific evidence behind the benefits of pull-ups, shedding light on why this exercise is so highly regarded by fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and researchers alike.

1. Muscular Strength and Endurance

One of the primary benefits of pull-ups is their effectiveness in improving muscular strength and endurance. Numerous studies have examined the impact of pull-up training on muscle development.

A study published in the "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research" in 2011 found that pull-up exercises significantly increased muscle activation in the latissimus dorsi, biceps, and trapezius muscles. The researchers concluded that pull-ups were highly effective for targeting and developing these major muscle groups.

Another study in the "Journal of Sports Science & Medicine" in 2017 assessed the effects of pull-ups on muscle endurance. The research revealed that participants who regularly performed pull-ups experienced significant improvements in their muscular endurance, particularly in the upper body.

2. Functional Fitness

Functional fitness refers to the ability to perform everyday tasks and movements effectively. Pull-ups are considered a functional exercise because they engage multiple muscle groups and mimic real-world actions, such as pulling oneself up over an obstacle or lifting objects.

A study published in "Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise" in 2013 investigated the functional benefits of pull-ups. The researchers found that individuals who incorporated pull-up exercises into their training routines exhibited improved functional fitness, including better grip strength and upper body coordination. These improvements can translate into enhanced performance in activities of daily living.

3. Weight Management and Metabolic Health

Pull-ups can also contribute to weight management and metabolic health. Engaging in resistance exercises like pull-ups can help increase lean muscle mass, which, in turn, can boost metabolism and assist in weight control.

A study published in the "Journal of Applied Physiology" in 2018 explored the metabolic benefits of resistance exercise, including pull-ups. The findings indicated that resistance training improved insulin sensitivity and had a positive impact on glucose metabolism. This suggests that regular pull-up training may be beneficial for individuals at risk of metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes.

4. Bone Health

While pull-ups are primarily known for their impact on muscle strength, they also provide benefits for bone health. Weight-bearing exercises like pull-ups can stimulate bone growth and help increase bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

A study published in the "Journal of Clinical Densitometry" in 2015 investigated the effects of resistance exercise, including pull-ups, on bone health in postmenopausal women. The results showed that resistance training improved bone mineral density in the spine and hip regions, key areas prone to bone loss with age.

5. Posture and Injury Prevention

Pull-ups can also contribute to better posture and injury prevention. A strong back and shoulder muscles developed through pull-up exercises can help individuals maintain proper posture and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries.

A study published in the "Journal of Physical Therapy Science" in 2019 examined the impact of resistance training on posture. The research found that individuals who regularly performed pull-ups and similar exercises experienced improvements in postural alignment and reduced the risk of common postural issues, such as rounded shoulders.

6. Psychological Benefits

Beyond the physical advantages, pull-up exercises can also have psychological benefits. Engaging in challenging workouts like pull-ups can boost self-esteem, confidence, and mental toughness.

A study published in "Health Psychology Open" in 2019 explored the psychological effects of regular exercise, including resistance training like pull-ups. The findings indicated that individuals who participated in resistance training reported reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression and reported an improved sense of well-being.

7. Gender and Age Considerations

Research has also shown that the benefits of pull-ups are not limited by gender or age. While men and women may have different starting points and physical capabilities, both can experience significant gains from incorporating pull-ups into their fitness routines.

A study published in the "Journal of Aging and Physical Activity" in 2016 examined the effects of pull-up training in older adults. The results demonstrated that older individuals who engaged in pull-up exercises experienced increased upper body strength and improved functional capacity, highlighting the benefits of pull-ups for aging populations.

8. Training Protocols

Effective pull-up training involves various training protocols and techniques. These include adjusting grip width, using different hand positions, and varying the number of repetitions and sets. Research supports the use of these training strategies to optimize results.

A study published in "Sports Medicine" in 2015 reviewed different training protocols for pull-ups and their impact on muscle activation. The researchers concluded that varying grip width and hand position during pull-ups could target specific muscle groups more effectively, allowing for a more well-rounded upper body workout.

9. Common Mistakes and Injury Prevention

While pull-ups offer numerous benefits, performing them incorrectly can lead to injuries. Understanding common mistakes and injury prevention strategies is crucial for safe and effective training.

A study published in the "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research" in 2014 addressed common mistakes in pull-up form. It emphasized the importance of proper technique, such as full range of motion and controlled movement, to prevent shoulder and elbow injuries commonly associated with pull-ups.

10. Individualized Training Plans

One key takeaway from scientific research on pull-ups is the importance of individualized training plans. Fitness levels, goals, and physical conditions vary among individuals, and personalized training programs can help maximize the benefits of pull-ups while minimizing the risk of injury.

A study published in "Sports Medicine" in 2020 emphasized the role of individualized training in optimizing the effects of resistance exercises like pull-ups. It highlighted the need for tailored programs that consider an individual's current fitness level and goals to achieve the best results.


Scientific evidence strongly supports the numerous benefits of pull-up exercises. From improving muscular strength and endurance to enhancing functional fitness, bone health, and psychological well-being, pull-ups offer a versatile and effective workout option for individuals of all ages and fitness levels. To reap these benefits while minimizing the risk of injury, it's essential to perform pull-ups with proper form and consider individualized training plans based on personal goals and capabilities.