Ultimate pullups training

21-25 Pullups

If you did 21-25 pullups in the test
Day 1
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 5
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 12 set 1 14
set 2 16 set 2 19
set 3 12 set 3 14
set 4 12 set 4 14
set 5 max (minimum 15) set 5 max (minimum 19)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 2
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 6
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 13 set 1 15
set 2 16 set 2 20
set 3 12 set 3 14
set 4 12 set 4 14
set 5 max (minimum 16) set 5 max (minimum 20)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 2 day break
Day 3
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 7
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 13 set 1 16
set 2 17 set 2 20
set 3 13 set 3 16
set 4 13 set 4 16
set 5 max (minimum 16) set 5 max (minimum 20)
Minimum 2 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 4
120 seconds (or more) between sets
Day 8
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 14 set 1 16
set 2 19 set 2 21
set 3 13 set 3 16
set 4 13 set 4 16
set 5 max (minimum 18) set 5 max (minimum 20)
Minimum 1 day break Minimum 1 day break
Day 9
120 seconds (or more) between sets
set 1 17
set 2 22
set 3 16
set 4 16
set 5 max (minimum 21)
Minimum 2 day break

Pull-Ups with Additional Weights: Benefits and Techniques

Pull-ups are a classic bodyweight exercise that effectively target various upper body muscles. When performed with additional weights, pull-ups become an advanced training method that offers numerous benefits for strength, muscle development, and overall fitness. This article explores the advantages, techniques, and safety considerations of incorporating weighted pull-ups into your workout routine.

1. Increased Muscle Activation and Hypertrophy

Adding weights to your pull-up routine significantly increases the demand on your muscles. This leads to higher muscle activation and greater potential for muscle hypertrophy (growth). The primary muscle groups targeted during weighted pull-ups include the latissimus dorsi (lats), biceps, and trapezius, leading to well-rounded upper body development.

A study published in the "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research" in 2014 compared muscle activation during weighted and unweighted pull-ups. The research found that the addition of weights led to increased muscle activation, particularly in the lats and biceps, making weighted pull-ups an effective exercise for muscle growth.

2. Strength Gains

Weighted pull-ups are an excellent way to build upper body strength. The additional resistance provided by weights challenges your muscles, leading to greater strength gains over time. This increased strength can translate to improved performance in other exercises and activities, as well as enhanced functional fitness.

A study published in the "Journal of Applied Biomechanics" in 2018 investigated the effects of weighted pull-ups on strength development. The results indicated that participants who incorporated weighted pull-ups into their training programs experienced significant increases in upper body strength, particularly in the muscles responsible for the pulling motion.

3. Progressive Overload

Weighted pull-ups allow for progressive overload, a fundamental principle of strength training. Progressive overload involves gradually increasing the resistance or intensity of an exercise to continue challenging your muscles. This approach ensures continued strength and muscle gains as your body adapts to increasing loads.

By progressively adding more weight to your pull-ups, you can continually challenge your muscles, preventing plateaus and promoting ongoing improvements in strength and muscle mass.

4. Improved Grip Strength

Grip strength is a critical component of pull-ups, and it becomes even more essential when performing weighted variations. The act of holding onto the additional weight requires a strong and secure grip. Enhanced grip strength not only benefits your pull-up performance but also contributes to better performance in various sports and activities that require hand and forearm strength.

5. Functional Fitness and Real-World Applications

Weighted pull-ups have real-world applications, as they mimic movements such as climbing, lifting, and pulling. These exercises are not only functional but also contribute to overall fitness. The strength gained from weighted pull-ups can help you excel in activities that demand upper body strength, such as rock climbing, obstacle course racing, and manual labor.

6. Incorporating Weighted Pull-Ups Into Your Routine

To incorporate weighted pull-ups into your fitness routine effectively, consider the following techniques and tips:

a. Selecting the Right Weight

Start with a weight that is challenging but manageable. You can use a weight belt with plates, a weighted vest, or a dip belt to attach weights to your body. Gradually increase the weight as you become more comfortable with the exercise.

b. Proper Form is Crucial

Maintaining proper form is essential when performing weighted pull-ups to avoid injury. Ensure that your back is straight, shoulders are down and back, and your chin clears the bar on each repetition. Use controlled movements and a full range of motion.

c. Choose the Right Rep and Set Scheme

The rep and set scheme for weighted pull-ups depends on your goals. For strength and muscle hypertrophy, consider lower reps (e.g., 4-6 reps) with heavier weights. For muscular endurance, use lighter weights and higher reps (e.g., 10-12 reps).

d. Rest Between Sets

Allow adequate rest between sets to ensure you can perform each set with proper form. Typically, 2-3 minutes of rest between sets is sufficient for strength and muscle-building goals.

e. Warm-Up Properly

Before attempting weighted pull-ups, warm up your upper body with dynamic stretches and light sets of unweighted pull-ups. Warming up reduces the risk of injury and prepares your muscles for the added resistance.

f. Use a Spotter or Assistance

If you're new to weighted pull-ups or lifting heavy weights, consider using a spotter or assistance. A spotter can help you safely add or remove weights, and assistance can be provided by a training partner or a pull-up machine with counterbalance.

7. Safety Considerations

While weighted pull-ups offer significant benefits, safety should always be a priority. Here are some safety considerations to keep in mind:

a. Start with Appropriate Weight: Begin with a weight that you can lift comfortably, and gradually increase it as you progress.

b. Use Proper Equipment: Ensure that you are using the right equipment, such as a weight belt or weighted vest, to secure the additional weight.

c. Monitor Your Form: Maintain proper form throughout each repetition to prevent strain or injury. If your form deteriorates, reduce the weight or take a break.

d. Warm-Up: Always warm up your muscles before performing weighted pull-ups to prevent strains or muscle pulls.

e. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any signs of discomfort or pain, and stop the exercise if you experience any unusual sensations.


Weighted pull-ups are a versatile and effective exercise for building strength, muscle mass, and grip strength. By incorporating proper techniques, progressive overload, and safety considerations, you can enjoy the numerous benefits that weighted pull-ups offer as a valuable addition to your fitness routine. Whether your goal is to increase upper body strength, enhance functional fitness, or prepare for specific challenges, weighted pull-ups can help you achieve your